The high power lidar component of CORAL system (Cloud Observation with Radar And Lidar) was designed for high resolution vertical profiling of water vapor mixing ratio (being the major interest for us), air temperature and also clouds and aerosol properties. The instrument’s scientific task is to provide observational data to investigate fast processes driving cloud formation and to reveal the interaction of the moisture field, air temperature, aerosols and cloud droplets in the tropics. The CORAL lidar started operation at the BCO in May 2019.
The processing from Level 0 to Level 1 data results in two products: slow and fast. The data in the slow product is smoothed in time over the temperature smoothing window. The fast product is smoothed in time over the user-specified smoothing window for the rest of variables (default is 2min for low resolution (LR) and 4sec for high resolution (HR), the time interval of the Level 0 data). Therefore, each of the following configurations results in a slow (labeled with “t”) and a fast (labeled with “b”) product.
2min timestep, 60min temperature smoothing#
from 2019-01-21 until 2023-03-17
available as BCO.lidar_CORAL_LR_t_c1_v1
and BCO.lidar_CORAL_LR_b_c1_v1
4sec timestep, 12sec temperature smoothing#
from 2019-01-21 until 2023-03-17
not yet available on the catalog
4sec timestep, 2min temperature smoothing#
from 2019-01-21 until 2023-03-17
not yet available on the catalog